Sunday, May 3, 2020

How Is He Doing?

Did you see our Governor, Larry Hogan, on CNN's State of the Union this morning?
Note that this video came from Larry Hogan's YouTube channel.

So is it Hogan in 2024?


  1. I don't much disagree with what Hogan says in that interview. However, providing I'm still around, I will definitely be opposing him if he runs for anything in 2024. He and I are miles apart on certain legislative issues, including education and tax breaks for unneedy businesses. This Thursday, May 7, is the deadline for his action on a whole lot of bills that were passed by the legislature in the abbreviated 2020 session and I'm going to be watching to see what he does about certain of these bills. He has strongly implied that no spending bill will get his okay and there are a number of such bills (including one providing funds for public education. Hogan regularly puts money for non-public education in the budget bill. That almost seems to be his favorite thing. Anyway, I'll be watching for whatever he does on the bills before him on Thursday.

  2. Hogan is term limited so he has look for another position in 2022. He will have two years to prepare if he decides to run for president in 2024. If Trump loses badly this year, the Republicans may want a centrist as their nominee. If Trump wins, it is unlikely that Hogan will have a chance. Hogan has to walk the fine line between being a loyal Republican and criticizing Trump.


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